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Hi all. We are a couple from Wales. A recent article in H&E naturist magazine (February 2021) caught our eye as we have visited Malta and Gozo in the past and enjoyed it very much. We also saw an article about naturism in your country in the BN Summer quarterly 2020 magazine too. Good luck with your venture and website.
We have been naturists since our schooldays many years ago, We are also the British Naturism Holiday Advisors for both Wales and the much sunnier and warmer country of Portugal. We have had a naturist-friendly villa in Portugal since 2005 -
It would be great to see naturism flourish in Malta to the same extent as it is in the rest of Europe.
What we would hope to get out of your great website is good local information about beaches, suitable naturist friendly accommodation, meetings , contacts with members - especially if they have boats :-)